Friday, May 29, 2009's gone already??

Yes, yes I know...the school fashion show went by in a flash, its gone, finished, kaput. In lighter news everything came out quite good.Now time to move on to the big hitter-holiday season. Yes Fall 09 is being worked on EARLY! And right now. So more news to come on colors and such.

There will be Jacquard and lace

I had a dear friend help me 'model' some of the items for me. Thanks B!

Here are a few of my favs.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

Okay I'm being a little self-serving here. April 28th was my 26th Birthday.
In other news, I finally got the cotton cable cowl done last night. It does look really nice, and glimmery. Not 1987 barbie gold and magenta lame shiny. But modern subtle glimmer.

The school fashion show is coming along well. We are still in the process of getting more designers for the fundraiser. As for LDD things are moving along well behind the scenes.

I need to ask a favor of my ladies who subscribe to this blog: I need your testimonials about the cowls, or other items you have purchased from me. What do you like about them? What words come to mind when you think of your cowl, scarf or hat?? What would you like to see from LDD?

Okay Ladies, I'm still going to enjoy my birthday week and get back to work!


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