Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Where are You!!!!!???

I know this has been the question of the summer!! Where did L.D. go?? There have been NO posts for like...ever!! Shock! I know you have all been devastated. Well, my summer has been all kinds of full all kinds of changes going on and took a trip that changed my life. I went on a trip to Nicaragua. No I did not go there to hang with the elite and fly to Costa Rica then off to Belize. I spent ten days in Managua Nicaragua on a missions trip with an amazing organization called The Convoy of Hope.   While there my church traveled the city of Managua and some outside rural areas, went to schools and churches and preformed plays, sang songs, had puppet shows and showed them the love that Jesus bestowed upon us. I can't forget the people of Managua. I will have photos up soon of my trip.

 Fret not L.D. is back. And btw, I have all the spring accessories 50% off. If you would like to pay full price: I'll make sure that the 50% goes to the convoy of hope so they can continue the work that they do.


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